Colorado Trail 2020 Videos Days 1 to 7 Days 8 to 15 Days 16 to 23 Days 24 to 26 Days 27 to 31 Finish ! Fixing my…

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Day 1

Day 1 Jon dropped me off at Waterton Canyon at 5:30 with a good hug. 6 miles to the dam on a dirt road along a river. Then you go…

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Day 2

6:30 AM start and a 1700’ climb right out of the gate. Long but not harsh. Snack on top with others and dried out my 1 1/4 lb tent. Which…

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Day 3

Saw a huge bear 2 miles from camp. The best kind, 100 yards down slope, paying me no mind. Make a circle with your arms and that was the size…

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